
Beverage Bottle Is Much Safer Than You Think

Update:27 May 2021

In terms of beverage packaging, because bisphenol A (BP […]

In terms of beverage packaging, because bisphenol A (BPA) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) are consistent in the mass media, beverage processors must deal with a large amount of misinformation and maintain strict beverage safety standards. While being aware of consumer concerns, beverage manufacturers must adhere to transparency and continue to ensure product safety to consumers. The following are common questions that beverage and food manufacturers must answer to ensure the safety of their products for customers.

So, how much of what we have read about the safety of Beverage Bottle water containers is a fact, or is it just an ordinary modern urban myth?
"What many people don't realize is that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strictly controls bottled water as packaged food. The FDA has strict quality standards and clear labeling standards for bottled water that protects consumers. FDA is also responsible for ensuring packaging. The safety of all food (including bottled water) materials. All plastics (and other materials) designed to come into contact with food or beverages are subject to FDA supervision to ensure their safety." International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) Chairman and Chief Executive Executive Officer Joe Doss said.

Most bottled water is packaged in plastic containers, including those made of PET, polycarbonate, and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Although aluminum cans and glass containers are still popular, most single-drink beverages (including bottled water) sold in the United States today are packed in 100% recyclable PET plastic bottles. (Aluminum cans are the leader in multi-packaging.) Plastics are widely used in beverage containers because of their lightweight, sturdiness, and extensive safety tests. It has existed for more than 100 years and has completely changed our way of life.

Scientific testing of all plastic containers focuses on two specific aspects: to determine the least amount of substances transferred between the plastic food packaging and its contents, and to determine that any substance that may be transferred from the plastic to the food does not constitute any harmful substances. Endanger human health.

How to verify safe packaging?
The FDA carefully reviewed all packaging materials in contact with food and beverages. As part of the review, the FDA assessed the migration or potential migration of plastics and substances in plastics into liquid contents. Based on the information available to the agency, the FDA found that the level of migration of substances in plastics to food is within a safe range (that is, toxicological tests have shown that the cumulative dietary concentrations of these migrants are caused by the use of these substances). The plastic materials in food packaging are at least 100 to 1,000 times lower than the level of toxic effects not observed in animal studies). This means that even if you are exposed to these substances that migrate from plastic food contact materials from your lifelong daily diet, there will be no short-term or long-term health effects.

Will PET bottles release hazardous substances at high temperatures or freezing temperatures?
It is important to understand that single-use PET plastic bottles do not contain compounds that can produce hazardous substances under normal conditions of use, including being placed in a hot car or in a freezer. The Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University weighed the issue of freezing bottled water. Its website reads: "This is an urban legend. Freezing will actually prevent the release of chemicals... If the plastic contains dioxins, [freezing] will restrict the release of chemicals, which we think does not exist."

The FDA has reviewed the migration test data and concluded that even under extreme conditions of use, PET containers will not immerse harmful amounts of substances in their contents. Regarding leaving bottled water in a hot car, the FDA stated: “Indeed, exposing the bottle to higher temperatures may mean a greater degree of migration of substances from plastic to water [or beverages in other similar containers]. However, In the safety review, the FDA considers exposure to higher temperatures (for example, during the storage and transportation of bottled water prior to sale) when estimating the potential level of material migration from the plastic to water.

"As mentioned above, the expected level of migration, including periods of exposure to high temperatures during storage and transportation (such as the time that may be experienced in a closed car), has been determined by the agency to be safe within the limits. Therefore, the agency I don’t think this situation is a safety issue."

What is the safety record of polycarbonate plastic?
Due to the presence of a substance called BPA, recent media reports have raised questions about the safety of polycarbonate plastic bottles. Polycarbonate plastic is widely used in consumer products, including food and beverage containers. Many 3-gallon and 5-gallon bottled water containers are made of polycarbonate plastic, and consumers are still confident in the safety of these products.

Polycarbonate plastic has been the material of choice for food and beverage product containers for nearly 50 years because of its lightweight, high drop resistance, and transparency. During this period, many studies were conducted to evaluate the potential of trace amounts of BPA to migrate from polycarbonate bottles into food or beverages. These studies and comprehensive safety assessments by global government agencies have concluded that polycarbonate bottles are safe for consumers.

What is the FDA's position on BPA?
On October 28, 2008, the FDA issued a statement on a report of the FDA Scientific Committee Subcommittee, which raised questions about the FDA’s safety assessment of BPA. The FDA agrees that more research "will be valuable", and the FDA is "advancing" through other planned studies.

The statement also reiterated the agency's position on BPA security. It said: “Consumers should know that, based on all available evidence, the current consensus among regulatory agencies in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Japan is that the current level of exposure to BPA through food packaging will not directly contribute to food safety. Health risks. The general population including infants."

Does a plastic water bottle have a "shelf life"?
Container manufacturers and bottling merchants will continuously carry out shelf testing of finished products under different time periods and under various conditions to help ensure the safety and integrity of the packaging and its contents. Bottled water is considered a shelf-stable product, and there is no information about safety related to bottled water sold within two years of bottling. Some large retailers require all food suppliers (including manufacturers of bottled water and other beverages) to set the validity period at two years. The production date code is very popular among retailers and is used for inventory rotation.

The FDA regulates bottled water as packaged food but has not yet determined the shelf life of bottled water. IBWA recommends that consumers store bottled water (and all other beverages in plastic containers) at room temperature (or lower), away from direct sunlight, and away from solvents and chemicals, such as gasoline, paint thinners, and household cleaners And dry cleaning chemicals. In terms of storage and handling, consumers should treat bottled water with care and respect like other packaged foods and beverages.

What happens to plastic food containers stored in the sun?
Plastic food containers, including those used for bottled water, do not contain additives to prevent the effects of ultraviolet (UV). These effects may be seen in products such as plastic outdoor furniture, and when they are placed in outdoor sunlight, they will eventually change color or become brittle. Many plastics used outdoors may contain additives (so-called UV stabilizers) to at least slow down the process, but plastic beverage bottles do not contain such additives. As a result, the plastic may weaken and become weaker over time And a leak occurs. The guiding principle for direct sunlight is based on the general characteristics of plastics, not on any specific characteristics of the package contents.

What conclusion can be drawn from these facts?
Misleading statements about plastic containers are not uncommon not only on the Internet but also in our community. However, with these facts, beverage and food manufacturers can better respond to customer concerns, and can safely assure them that plastic is a safe food contact material, which has been thoroughly approved by the FDA and some international organizations. Detailed research.

Doss said: "What Internet intimidators don't understand is that the FDA's approval process includes strict requirements to estimate the level of such substances that may be transferred to liquids."

He concluded: "There is currently no indication that migration or contaminants from water sources are a problem with bottled water. Plastic food and beverage containers meet or exceed all FDA requirements."

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